13. marca 2019
Xavier Legrand
93 min.


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Xavier Legrand

93 min.

  • Francúzsko


filmový klub Otáznik – kino Junior Levice
Vstupné 3,-€ a 5,-€ bez preukazu FK

Rozpad manželstva pre násilného otca a boj o opatrovníctvo, uprostred ktorého je dvanásťročný syn.

Snímka ukazuje, že domáce násilie nie je jednoduché, že to nie je niečo čo príde a odíde. Musíte byť stále v strehu. Človek, ktorý vás ohrozuje, vás nechce nechať len tak odísť. A ak s ním máte syna, stáva sa jeho najväčšou zbraňou. Pri boji o opatrovníctvo stojí vaše svedectvo proti jemu. A sudkyňa nemusí rozhodnúť vo váš prospech.

  • Réžia a scenár: Xavier Legrand -Strih: Yorgos Lamprinos – Zvuk: Julien Sicart -Hrajú: Léa Drucker, Denis Ménochet, Thomas Gioria a ďalší.

Priemerné hodnotenie 5 / 5. Počet hlasov 33

Zatiaľ žiadne hlasy. Buď prvý.

Custody (2017) Drama | 93min | April 13, 2018 (United Kingdom) 7.5
Director: Xavier LegrandWriter: Xavier LegrandStars: Léa Drucker, Denis Ménochet, Thomas GioriaSummary: Antoine Besson, Miriam's divorced husband, is a nice man. In charge of security in a hospital, he is esteemed both by his superiors and his fellow colleagues. Moreover he is a good father who, willing to be closer to his eleven-year-old son Julien, has chosen to be transferred to the town where the boy lives with his mother and his older sister Joséphine, soon to be of age. That is the very reason why Antoine, the caring father, is asking for joint custody of Julien. Well, all that would be fine provided Antoine actually was the man he claims to be. The trouble is that his wife and his two children see him in a very different light. For in the past, Antoine was far from an angel. On the contrary, he had a knack for creating an atmosphere of permanent fear at home, going as far as to occasionally beat his wife under his children's eyes. And he got away with it all the more easily as Miriam, wishing to avoid even more problems, never lodged a complaint against him – a fact that eventually turns against her. Which is why, despite the fact that Julien does not want to see his father any more, the family court judge complies with Antoine's request. —Guy Bellinger


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Miriam Bessonas Miriam Besson
Antoine Bessonas Antoine Besson
Julien Bessonas Julien Besson
Joséphine Bessonas Joséphine Besson
Samuelas Samuel
Sylviaas Sylvia
La jugeas La juge
La greffièreas La greffière
Maître Davignyas Maître Davigny
Maître Ghenenas Maître Ghenen
Agent opérateur Police Secoursas Agent opérateur Police Secours
La voisineas La voisine
Madeleine, la mère d'Antoineas Madeleine, la mère d'Antoine
Joël, le père d'Antoineas Joël, le père d'Antoine
Nanny, la mère de Miriamas Nanny, la mère de Miriam
André, le père de Miriamas André, le père de Miriam
Cyrilas Cyril
La policièreas La policière

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Countries: FranceLanguages: French

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