26. októbra 2016
Matt Ross
118 min.


toto je nas svet

Matt Ross


  • USA


projekt 100
filmový klub Otáznik – kino Junior Levice
Vstupné: 2,-€ na preukaz FK, 3,50-€ bez preukazu

V lesoch na severozápade USA žije Ben, ktorý oddane vychováva, tu v srdci divokej prírody, svojich šesť detí. Následkom nečakaných tragických udalostí je nútený spolu s nimi opustiť ich alternatívny svet a vydať sa do toho skutočného…

Dochádza ku konfrontácii s realitou a otázkou, čo znamená byť rodičom.
Matt Ross (1970)
Americký herec, scenárista a režisér. Doteraz bol známy najmä ako herec, či už zo seriálov ako Veľká láska, Silicon Valley, American Horror Story, alebo z filmov Dvanásť opíc (1995), Tvár toho druhého (1997), Americké psycho (2000), Letec (2004), Dobrú noc a veľa šťastia (2005). Ako scenárista a režisér sa podpísal pod niekoľko krátkometrážnych filmov, napríklad Jazyk lásky (1997), ktorý mal premiéru na festivale Sundance. Tam boli po prvý raz uvedené i jeho dva celovečerné filmy: romantická dráma 28 hotelových izieb (2012) a Toto je náš svet (2016). Ten druhý mal európsku premiéru na festivale v Cannes v sekcii Istý pohľad (Un Certain Regard), kde získal cenu za réžiu, a z festivalu v Karlových Varoch si odniesol Cenu divákov aj vďaka skvelému hereckému obsadeniu na čele s Viggom Mortensenom. Vďaka tomuto filmu zaradil filmový časopis Variety Rossa medzi 10 nádejných režisérov (10 Directors to Watch) roku 2016.
MFF Cannes – Cena za réžiu v sekcii Istý pohľad (Un Certain Regard); MFF Karlovy Vary – Cena divákov

píšu na IMDB

  • Réžia: Matt Ross
  • Scenár: Matt Ross
  • Kamera: Stéphane Fontaine
  • Strih: Joseph Krings
  • Hrajú: Viggo Mortensen
    George MacKay
    Samantha Isler
    Annlise Basso
    Nicholas Hamilton
    Shree Crooks a ďalší.

Priemerné hodnotenie 5 / 5. Počet hlasov 29

Zatiaľ žiadne hlasy. Buď prvý.

Captain Fantastic (2016) Comedy, Drama | 118min | September 9, 2016 (United Kingdom) 7.9
Director: Matt RossWriter: Matt RossStars: Viggo Mortensen, George MacKay, Samantha IslerSummary: Ben and Leslie Cash live largely off the grid with their offspring — Bodevan, Kielyr, Vespyr, Rellian, Zaja and Nai — in a cabin in the mountains of Washington state. The parents have passed their socialist and survivalist ideals to their children. Ben considers most of Western society to be fascist, especially corporate America. He also believes that no one will or should be there for you, so you'd better learn how to take care of yourself. As such, the children have been subject to vigorous physical training; know how to deal with minor bumps, bruises, cuts, sprains, and even fractures; and know how to hunt, forage, and grow their own food. The children are also non-registered home schooled, meaning that they have no official academic records. Ben and Leslie have tried to make the children critical thinkers, however, within the context of their ideals. Beyond these issues, Ben and Leslie made the decision to live this lifestyle for Leslie's health. Formerly an attorney, Leslie was diagnosed as bipolar. Ben believes that this disorder started with her postpartum depression with Bo. Yet Leslie's condition has worsened. Despite not believing in Western medicine, Ben sends Leslie to a hospital close to Ben's sister, Harper, so that there can be family close by. While hospitalized, Leslie commits suicide. Beyond the collective grief, Leslie's act brings out a battle between Ben and Leslie's father, Jack Bertrang, a Christian who not only blames Ben for Leslie's death, but believes that what he is doing "to" the children can legally be considered abuse. Jack takes over the funeral arrangements as per his and his complacent wife Abby's Christian morals, against what Ben knows was Leslie's wishes, as she believed in Buddhist philosophies. Although Jack threatens to call the police if Ben shows up to the funeral, Ben and the children believe it is their mission to honor Leslie's last wishes to be cremated as per Buddhist philosophy. This mission not only may bring the divide between Jack and Ben to a head, but may also bring out some long dormant issues between the Cash children as they are exposed to commercial America in all its good and bad, and as Bo grows into manhood, he may have his own ideas of what he should do with the next phase of his life. —Huggo


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Benas Ben
Bodevanas Bodevan
Kielyras Kielyr
Vespyras Vespyr
Rellianas Rellian
Zajaas Zaja
Naias Nai
Leslieas Leslie
Harperas Harper
Daveas Dave
Justinas Justin
Jacksonas Jackson
Claireas Claire
Ellenas Ellen
Jackas Jack
Abigailas Abigail
Small Store Owneras Small Store Owner
Teenage Girlas Teenage Girl

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Countries: United StatesLanguages: English, Esperanto

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